iChange is looking back onto a successful and busy year 2010, full of important experiences and insights. After its foundation in 2009, iChange completed its first full operating year in 2010. Many milestones were achieved in 2010; at the same time we used the few setbacks as learning opportunities for future improvement. The successful application for tax exemption, which was granted early in 2010, proved to be a major step. Donations to iChange can now be claimed on a donor's Swiss tax return.
During the summer months of 2010 three iChange volunteers traveled to Zambia to gain personal experience on location and help with various projects. Thanks to generous support from our donor's multiple projects were completed during the summer visits. In addition, we were able to already start the planning phase for various 2011 projects.
We are particularly happy about the fact that since this year iChange can afford to financially support three teachers at Mackenzie Community School. This is of fundamental importance as it helps to ensure that their families have sufficiently to eat. As a result they do not have to work multiple jobs, which in turn enables them to focus more on their important role in the community. Additional recipient under the new financial support program is the cook at Mackenzie Community School. Last but not least, the iChange Microfinance Program was increased from six to ten participants providing these families with new opportunities to make a living.
During summer various building projects were successfully completed. They included two churches in the community which were renovated or in one case completely rebuilt. Both projects were made possible by the generous support received from the church congregation of Oberhallau, Schaffhausen. Mackenzie Community School also got much needed attention: ceilings were added in all classrooms and the last outstanding work items on the newest classroom addition were successfully completed.
On behalf of the Board of iChange but in particular the people of Ndola we would like to say thank you to all our donors for their generous support and help throughout this year. It is only because of your participation and trust that iChange not only can look back onto an extraordinarily successful year but also look forward to 2011 with great optimism and excitement.
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