At the beginning of September, the three teachers atMackenzie Community School as well as the long-serving cook for the first time started to receive from iChange a limited token of financial support for their work. All four of them serve in a voluntary capacity and are dependent on support from the community itself as well as other humanitarian organizations. Without their tireless efforts the overall existence of Mackenzie Community School in general would be in danger - and for many of its students this would endanger the only option for primary education available to them as they cannot afford the high tuition at public or other private schools.
One direct effect, which iChange hopes to achieve with these stipends, is an increase in the quality of teaching. Often, the teachers' focus on their classes is competing with their fundamental need to provide for their families at home via other income-generating activities.
iChange would like to say thank you to all its generous donors and supports who yet again have made this help possible.
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