After a successful year 2010 we are happy to already now provide you with a brief outlook as to what is planned for 2011. Thanks to the very generous donations which iChange received in 2010 we are excited and hopeful that various more extended projects can be conducted and implemented in 2011.
The interest in volunteer visits to Zambia has risen significantly, although iChange does not support such visits financially. Various young volunteers are already planning visits to Ndola, some of them for longer periods of time. Two of them will arrive in Ndola in Spring of 2011 for a two-month stay. In addition, we already have commitments from five to six volunteers for visits during the summer months.
During 2011 it is planned to continue the previously implemented financial support for the teachers and other key supporters in Ndola. Also, the successful iChange Microfinance Program will be continued as well and if possible expanded. The construction of a much-needed health center in Mackenzie is in its early planning stages and iChange is cautiously hopeful that construction for this project can be started in 2011 as well. However, to make this happen substantial support from the local population is required and necessary government permits must be obtained first. Future donations from our generous supporters will also determine the speed of implementation for this project.
We are hopeful and confident that together with all of you we can again experience a successful year. As in the past we will keep you informed and up todate about everything that happens and is achieved.
To a successful year 2011!
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