2016 has been very tough for the sports academy but God has been there for us in many situations we faced. We thank God for His grace upon us because through Him 2016 has been a success. We have managed to finish the league games, we managed to buy enough equipment and everything else that was required.
2016 school season
iChange added four kids to the scholarship program, bringing the number of participants to ten. Two children wrote the grade nine final examinations. All materials needed for the education were provided which has brought happiness to us and the community. iChange has really made a real change in Twapia community.
2016 football season
We registered two under 15 years and a senior team in a league. This made many kids happy because 50 members of the academy could actively participate in the league games every weekend. It also brought competition among them which increased the commitment to the sports program.
We bought new soccer shoes and other football materials throughout the year. Money for transport to tournaments 2016 for all three teams was not a big problem in 2016.
Furthermore, several local tournaments for kids were organized and thereby increased the impact on the local community.
Other activities in 2016
We managed to buy a computer. Therefore, a new ICT program was introduced at the Madalitso Wits Sports Academy. Maintaining the computer has been challenging due to high costs and lack of spare parts.
All this was achieved because of the monthly contributions and other grants we received from iChange.
Especially since we started receiving these monthly contributions things have been moving forward and it has brought a great change to some kids who did not have training cloths. Improvement in football skills, ICT skills and leadership skills can be seen in our kids.
Uncle Chisha, the local iChange coordinator, has been so instrumental in leadership skills and advices. Many thanks go to Uncle Chisha, the iChange team and the donors for all the support throughout the year. Fabian, our brother, has brought happiness to us through his monthly contributions.
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