Cordiality, wherever I went - this is what impressed me the most. Whether it was the welcome at Malaika Home by the Chisha family or the work at Mackenzie Community School - the way I got to know Zambians was by their friendliness and overall upbeat nature.
I hope you thus understand when I say that I truly and thoroughly enjoyed working with the children and teachers at Mackenzie Community School. Right at the beginning I was given a class schedule, which outlined which grade I would attend and support on which day. It turned out to be a trulydiverse and versatile work environment. In Grade 1 I simply supported the lead teacher due to the large number of students and the wide range of skill levels among them. In Grade 3 and 4 I took on some artistic projects, creating visual representations of their respective teaching topics. The zeal and enthusiasm with which the students approached their schooling really impressed me.
During March there also were two major donation events at the school: First, the local Lions Club in Mackenzie donated new desks and benches. Then, the Ndola Airport Group donated food, school and hygienic supplies. During the past year, the employees of Ndola airport had collected small amounts of money to then purchase and donate these items, which made for a very moving and emotional day.
Saturdays I spent at the orphanage in Masala. To know that for many of these children the loss of their parents and other personal tragedies were already part of their lives, saddened me. Of course, an orphanage cannot replace the care and love of a father or a mother. I was therefore really impressed by the care and tenderness extended by the caregivers to the children and teens. They also enjoy a large play area, wear good clothing and live in well-maintained dorms. The leaders of the orphanage place special emphasis on a considerate and kind atmosphere among the children and integrate the older ones in caring for the younger children.
In the end, a month passes in no time. I could not believe when my day of departure was suddenly upon me. Thank you iChange for giving me your trust and this opportunity. I will never forget my time and experiences in Zambia.
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